Hi there, I really appreciate your work on this program. I think that It will be so useful for me. However, I have some basic questions that hopefully you can help me to resolve. I will appreciate that, because I just feel a bit stuck
1. Are the beta coefficients those printed in the path? I mean those standarized that goes from 1 to -1? In my analyses I found some paths with values over 1 (3.5) and I am wondering if this is due to 1) I am working with unstandarized data 2. I have the problem of multicolineality ( i think this last is not my problem). How do we know which beta coeff is Onix giving to me ( the standarized or the not standarized?
2. In the user guide kind of recommends to apply the z-transformed to our variables. I am not sure which cases I should to use this transf! But for the other hand if I use my „normal“ data the summary gives a z value.
3. in the summary of results appears X2 (empty) but in X2 from independent a result. 16.29. Is the model wrong?
Thanks a lot for your time helping me on my way to learn SEM using Onyx!